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Monday, 9 September 2019

cardiomyopathy symptoms | cardiomyopathy treatment | cardiomyopathy types | cardiomyopathy causes | cardiomyopathy diagnosis

cardiomyopathy symptoms | cardiomyopathy treatment | cardiomyopathy types | cardiomyopathy causes | cardiomyopathy diagnosis


Some middle-aged people often have trouble breathing. Excessive fatigue is accompanied by swelling of the legs. Such people may be unconscious. These symptoms are called cardiomyopathy in medicine. People with similar symptoms should consult cardiologists immediately.

 Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle. Initially, there are no specific features. Doctors warn that delays in detecting and treating it may lead to premature death. They claim that dilated cardiomyopathy is likely to occur for several reasons. In some families, the disease is hereditary. They claim that there are three main types of cardiomyopathy: dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and restricted cardiomyopathy. According to them ..

ఇన్ Infection with viruses, congestive hypertension (HBP), problems with the heart valves, and excessive alcohol are the main causes of the disease. In some families, hereditary dilated cardiomyopathy is due to genetic modification or mutation. If one of the parents has dilated cardiomyopathy, about half of the children will have the disease. In most cases, dilated cardiomyopathy slowly develops. But some people have severe symptoms before they are diagnosed. Shortness of breath, abdominal ankle swelling, extreme fatigue, and heart failure are the first signs of dilated cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy is treated according to the severity of heart problems, such as severe arrhythmias, pain in the chest, and other complications. High blood pressure and excessive fluctuations in analgesia are accompanied by medication.

The pacemaker is set up if needed to control abnormal change in heart rate. The other two types of cardiomyopathy are completely hereditary diseases. In hypertrophic type, the heart muscle and heart cells become thicker. In the restorative type, there is a shortage of pressure in the heart chambers to compensate for blood loss. In patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the thickening of the heart muscles and walls is not the same. Hypertrophic types account for 4 percent of all cardiomyopathy cases. Restricted cardiomyopathy accounts for 1 percent of cases.

 Treatment of hypertrophic and restorative cardiomyopathy is mainly aimed at controlling the symptoms and preventing the condition. Doctors decide on the treatment based on the extent of the heat loss and the symptoms. Doctors give medication to control high blood pressure and heart attack abnormalities. The pacemaker is set up according to the need to ensure that the heartbeats are constantly irregular. An ICD (implantable cardiac defibrillator) device can be installed to correct heart failure. Ankle swelling, extreme fatigue, and heart failure are the first symptoms of dilated cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy is treated according to the severity of heart problems, such as severe arrhythmias, pain in the chest, and other complications. High blood pressure and excessive fluctuations in analgesia are accompanied by medication. The pacemaker is set up if needed to control abnormal change in heart rate. The other two types of cardiomyopathy are completely hereditary diseases. In hypertrophic type, the heart muscle and heart walls become thicker. In the restorative type, there is a shortage of pressure in the heart chambers to compensate for blood loss. In patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the thickening of the heart muscles and walls is not the same. Hypertrophic types account for 4 percent of all cardiomyopathy cases. Restricted cardiomyopathy accounts for 1 percent of cases.

Treatment of hypertrophic and restorative cardiomyopathy is mainly aimed at controlling the symptoms and preventing the condition. Doctors decide on the treatment based on the extent of heat loss and the symptoms. Doctors give medication to control symptoms like hypertension and heart attack abnormalities. The pacemaker is set up to meet the need for regular heartbeats. An ICD (implantable cardiac defibrillator) device can be installed to correct heart failure.

Blood pressure figures indicating heart disease

We have long heard that high blood pressure can lead to heart disease. A recent study by scientists on behalf of one company showed that heart attacks and sickness can be predicted by using two digits (diastolic and systolic) to measure blood pressure. The systolic reading is a measure of how much energy the heart pumps into the arteries. Diastolic reading refers to the pressure placed on the arteries when the heart is resting between the lobes. Scientists involved in the research said that doctors have relied on the systolic digit for decades when assessing the risk of a heart attack. The latest study says that both should be considered. "They have come up with an estimate of about three crore sixty lakhs of blood pressure. These figures were taken between 2007 and 16," the diastolic figure said.

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