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Tuesday, 24 September 2019

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Turmeric is well known. We use it for all holy works is eternal life. Also, we use turmeric in many ways to blend in with food, women face, and feet. We use turmeric, which is dried and dried on the tubers, especially for puja and home cooking.

Turmeric is rich in vitamins and salts as well as phytate phosphorus, which contributes to body health. The turmeric granule contains hundreds of molecules that have antibiotic, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-oxidant properties that contribute to various life processes. Turmeric contains an important substance called curcumin. The curcumin is a natural yellow in Valle yellow. Although curcumin is only three to five percent of the yellow beet, body beauty and Ayurveda are important.

Uses of turmeric:

Dip the clean cloth in turmeric water and give it a good moisturizing and drying shade while wiping eyes will reduce eye problems.

Turmeric, sandalwood, paste, increase, combine, rinse with cold water and dry the face.
Heat milk and mix it with a pinch of turmeric and pepper powder and drink it before bed at night.
If yellow horns are poured into the water or the turmeric powder is paste-like water, then the bulbs and wrinkles will be softened. Avoid worms.

If you mix the paste with neem and turmeric, it will reduce the itching, inflammation, and tingling in skin diseases such as smallpox, eczema and eczema.

Tooth powder, mixed with mild turmeric and salt, can help prevent toothache, oral odors, and pimples.

Turmeric is applied to the face with coconut oil before bath and gently massage. Doing so will not cause skin diseases. The face can become bright.

Homemade incense, turmeric, sambrani, and dirisena leaves in the evening can prevent mosquitoes and insects.

Drinking the turmeric horn gently and adding in buttermilk once a day will reduce chronic diarrhea and arthritis.

Combining Vapaca and Turmeric in water and writing to the legs to reduce the cracks in the legs.

This article is for awareness and study purpose only, you should consult a good doctor

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