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Sunday, 20 October 2013

Diabetes Complications

Diabetes Complications

All forms of diabetes increase the risk of long-term complications. These usually develop after many years (10-20), but may be the first symptom in people who otherwise would not have been diagnosed before that time. Major long term complications refer to blood vessel damage. Diabetes doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease. The major macrovascular disease " " (related to atherosclerosis of larger arteries) are ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris and myocardial infarction), stroke and peripheral vascular disease.

Diabetes also damages the blood vessels ( microangiopathy causes ) . Diabetic retinopathy, which affects the formation of blood vessels in the retina of the eye , can lead to visual symptoms including decreased vision and possibly blindness. Diabetic nephropathy , diabetic impact the kidneys, may lead to scarring renal tissue changes , loss of increasingly small and large amounts of protein in the urine, and chronic renal disease requiring dialysis time .

Another risk is diabetic neuropathy, the impact of diabetes on the nervous system - most commonly causing numbness, tingling and pain in the feet, and also increases the risk of skin damage due to altered sensitivity. Along with vascular disease in the legs, neuropathy contributes to the risk of foot problems related to diabetes (such as diabetic foot ulcers) that may be difficult to treat and sometimes requires amputation. In addition, proximal diabetic neuropathy causes pain muscle wasting and weakness.

Several studies suggest a link between diabetes and cognitive deficit. Compared to those without diabetes, the research showed that people with the disease have a higher rate of 1.2 to 1.5 times greater impairment of cognitive function, and are at greater risk.

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